Bowls, Brights, or Beacons… 05/29/22. “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine… Won’t let Satan ppffffhhhh it out, I’m gonna let it shine… Hide...
Faith > Fear… 05/22/22. In the message on Sunday, Pastor Rich mentioned when Jesus calmed the storm in Mark 4. When our hope is found in Jesus, the power...
Beauty Beyond Disney… 05.15.22 Nobody: “Rich, don’t poke the bear.” Rich: “Ok, I’m poking the bear.” “I’ve really never enjoyed Disney movies.”...
Tell Me What I Want, What I Really, Really, Want… 05/08/22. “In today’s fracture and anxiety-ridden society, we need faith communities marked by moral depth, humility, and sacrificial...
In the Bible it Says… or Does it? 04/24/22. Have you ever heard of The Mandela Effect? Once I heard of this theory, I became fascinated by all the different evidence of its...
Artificial Roots = Artificial Fruits… 04/17/22 Is there anything more appetizing than a nice big bowl of crushed beetles? Or how about baking a fresh loaf of hair and feathers?...
Saved by the Quell… 04/10/22. As we find ourselves in Holy Week, this time between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday, the narrative of Jesus’ path to the...
Only God Can Judge… 04/03/22. Throughout the Bible, we are reminded of a truth that is often summarized by this phrase, “only God can judge.” Whether in...
You Are What You Sing… 03.27.22. It’s often said, “you are what you eat.” But “you are what you sing?” Not so much. I (Pastor Rich) have been thinking...