The Pursuit of Joy… 12.11.22 This week Pastor Ben spoke about joy—which shouldn’t be a hard topic but it is. It’s synonym is “happiness.” If I...
Give Peace a Chance… 12.04.22 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) Here we sit, another advent season...
The Gift of Hope… 11.27.22 “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we...
Trust Fall… 11.20.22 As we have now drawn our series on the apostle’s creed to a close, as we transition into an intentional time of Advent, and as...
Happily Everlasting… 11.13.22 In Sunday’s message, Pastor Rich made this statement on the bookends of the creed. “New bodies and eternal life. And in that,...
Flip This House (Heart)… 11.06.22 We’ve all seen the amazing facelifts that can happen with a quick house flip. We love a fresh coat of paint, new flooring, and...
Invisible Spirit of Visible Presence… 10.30.22 (Repeated devotional from last week because of the change in preaching schedule.) As someone who admittedly can become obsessive...
Save the World, Lose the Sin… 10.16.22 John 3:16 is the most well-known verse in the entire Bible. The core belief of our Christian faith is centered on its truth. Jesus...
Hurry Up and Wait… 10.09.22 There is viral video titled “Sheep gets stuck in trench” that reminds me a lot of the human experience. In the video, someone...